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28 mars 2010 7 28 /03 /mars /2010 14:00

Le courrier suivant a été adressé le 8 mars 2010 au représentant des Iles féroe. Sans réponse pour l'instant. Le 25 mars, j’ai écrit à la Reine Margaret du Danemark (par le biais de son Chamberlain) ainsi qu’au Premier Ministre et au Ministre de la pêche.


The following mail has been sent on the 8th may 2010 to the representative of the Faeroes’ islands. No answer for the time. On the 25th march, I have written again to HM Margaret, Queen of Denmark (through her chamberlain), to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of the fisheries.



Dear sir,

I'd recently have the opportunity to see awful and bloody pictures of the massacre of dolphins in the Faeroes. I burst into tears, with compassion for these extraordinaries animals, and with shame for men who claim to be human.

I've never imagine that such cruelty might also exist. In the name of what dark and obsolete tradition ?

How a civilized country, like Denmark, can guarantee such barbaric tradition which consists to kill innocent dolphins?

Dolphins are marvellous animals, as you can see on the two links below (the first is in english).

http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/02/is-a-dolphin-a-person.html - Is a dolphin a person ?



how dolphins save humans from a squale !


If you don't see the movie "AVATAR"yet, I recommend it to you, especially the feeling to be linked with the environment, with peace and love. The day when human beings will respect animals, especially intelligent animals, so human beings will respect other human beings.


I hope you will do something to eradicate this barbarian tradition from our beautiful planet named TERRE.


sincerely yours


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